The Mother Nature Guidebook

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This guidebook is a collection of 42 principles.

Daily affirmations that help us to be present and aware of our journey of motherhood. They are elixirs, a-ha moments, distillations of our joys, struggles, challenges and learnings from our lives as mothers.

Each principle is explained with a short inspiring text, some reflective questions and an activity.

The principles were evolved from the collective wisdom of the team as well as the harvesting of the collective wisdom from the 2 trainings we ran in Hungary and Italy.

This guidebook and principles are manifestations of this co-creative work. They have evolved from our first hand experience as mothers, as well as our training in self development, mindfulness, nature connection and vision quests, Cultural Emergence and permaculture. Permaculture is a way of using nature as a guide for designing regenerative systems.

Our aim is to design regenerative systems for us as mothers using these principles. To help us and you structure the experience of motherhood, principles are grouped into 6 families. Each family has its own focus and brings new aspects to awareness. The process for describing the principles and the families was both intellectual and intuitive, and can support mothers on many different levels.

We trust and hope that this guidebook will serve you as daily inspiration, support in challenging moments and tool for bonding with other women. 

We were inspired by the 42 cards in tarot to have the same number of cards ourselves. And if you are interested yourself in the power of the number 42 you would be amazed to track it back in Egyptian mythology where there are 42 questions asked of persons making their journey through Death and 42 is the number with which God creates the Universe in Kabbalistic tradition. To look from the scientific perspective the optimum angle for white light to refract through water and thus form a rainbow is between 40.89 and 42 degrees.

May the power of 42 principles of motherhood guide you on your path toward the bright and lively future full of rainbows.

The Card Deck Methodology, artwork and Guide Book were created with funding from Erasmus + (2017-2020)

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